SOURCE: Karolina Rogóz-Namiotko
Lejdi Gada - women at the microphone", is a program broadcast on student radio UWM FM in Olsztyn (Poland) about women who fulfill themselves in life through passion and work. The guests of Karolina Rogóz-Namiotko are female soldiers, psychologists, cooks, dressmakers, entrepreneurs, presidents, mothers, etc. The host of the show believes that the woman who acts with passion and commitment is able to inspire more women to change for the better. It is a program about self-development, self-acceptance and self-esteem.”
Karolina Rogóz-Namiotko explains how important this program is for her "meeting other women gives me a lot of energy and great sisterly love. I've always dreamed of traveling, but somewhere along the way, life met me: home, work, a child. My daily duties fully absorbed me and these interviews and conversations, both on air and off air, became for me journeys to another world, full of passion, commitment, female sensitivity and strength".
(Photo: Private Archive of @Karolina Rogóz-Namiotko)