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Radio Kobani, joyfulness and information – the potential of community media.

Under siege by the Corona virus – what we can learn from being under siege by war Radio Kobani – Trailer from Square Eyes on Vimeo

“War has no winners,” says Dilovan Kîko, the main character in the documentary “Radio Kobanî”. But with her enormous effort to create a local radio in the war-torn city of Kobanî, she somehow contradicts herself. There is one winner: the human resilience personified in Dilovan finds the surplus power and joy to continue life.

The documentary, directed by Reber Dosky in 2016, received numerous prices and recognition, where two young Kurdish women are setting up a radio studio in an abandoned building. They start reporting on life in the city, interviewing people in and around Kobanî, at a time where the last IS forces are still around, and large parts of the city are levelled with the ground. They play music and share the latest news. They do this to encourage and inform.

The radio station becomes the beacon of light in a distorted reality. A trusted source of much needed information.

Maybe the comparability with the corona situation stops here. But the power of local, community stations outshines the differences. Also in the Corona virus the community media are of central importance. Like the balcony singing in quarantined Italy, which has spurred similar local action. As the Danish authorities say: moving closer while keeping a distance.

More about the documentary here:

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