Led by the Media Diversity Institute (MDI) and working with partners across Europe, Get The Trolls Out! strives to encourage young people to combat discrimination and religious intolerance in Europe. Phase IV of the project builds on Get the Trolls Out!’s existing track record in monitoring online hate speech and using the findings to debunk inflammatory rhetoric and educate young people on how to spot and respond to online trolls.
CMFE is delighted to join the project and involve its members in producing audio-visual content such as podcasts, features and short videos that address incidents of anti-religious hate speech and associated attempts to turn public opinion against migrants and asylum-seekers. Direct engagement with community media outlets in the following regions/countries is foreseen: Belgium (Flanders and Wallonia), France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, UK.
For more information, please contact nadia.bellardi@cmfe.eu or visit https://getthetrollsout.org