CMFE's new board was constituted when CMFE held its annual General Assembly yesterday, October 30, 2021 in Hamburg, hosted by the #CMMA 2021 event at the Kampnagel. With 14 present (most in photo below), 14 online (only partially in screen shot below) and an additional 11 proxy votes received from people not able to be present, 87% of paid up CMFE members with a voting right had a voice. This makes it the most well 'attended' General Assembly in recent times. Despite intense preparations and technical support on-site, we encountered some technical hick-ups. Nevertheless, the GA covered the ground needed, with approved agenda, accounts and budgets - and with five new board members voted in. Follow-up posts will present the board members and share the President's full report, reflecting over the past year of CMFE action.
CMFE held its annual General Assembly 2021
Updated: Feb 15, 2022