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CMFE held its annual 2022 General Assembly.


25 November 2022, CMFE held its annual general assembly in Brussels Belgium, hosted by 2022 European Journalism Symposium - l'Institut des Hautes Études des Communications Sociales (IHECS)

The Friday morning GA session took place as an in person and online meeting via zoom.

With 5 members present (Lina chawaf, Larry Macaulay, Nyima Jadama, Fabian Ekstedt, (GFMD) > Christopher John Chanco), 15 online (only partially in screen shot below) and an additional 15 proxy votes received from people not able to be present, 70% of paid up CMFE members with a voting right had a voice.

The GA covered the ground needed, with approved agenda, accounts and budgets -

the election of our new board member: @Rui Monteiro and re-election for a second term of @Vladimir Radinović, while our membership secretary @Ragnar Smittberg steps down from his role and the board due to health reasons.

we are all set to continue our work to advance the legal space, visibility and recognition of Community media.

Follow-up posts will present the board members and share the President's full report, reflecting over the past year of CMFE action.

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