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A new project countering hatred on gender and immigration in public discourse in Spain

The DESPAZ-Social Development and Peace research group has launched a new research project on Communication for Social Change and Media Education to stand up to hate speech on gender and immigration, through the analysis of public discourses in Spain between 2016-2019.

The aim of the project is to identify the components of intolerance and hatred on gender and immigration issues in current public discourses in Spain during 2016-2019. It focuses on a multiple case study composed of the communication of the major Spanish political parties and its media coverage, as well as citizens’ activist discourses and responses from creative industries (that is, the visibility and emergence of feminist discourses and migrant platforms, and the appearance of new media and proposals from popular culture).

The conceptual framework considers the previous literature around hate speech and incorporates the focus of Communication of Social Change, Critical Media Education and Peace Studies.

Moreover, research group is working to offer alternatives of ethical and conciliatory narratives through the analysis of emerging trends from the social movements and popular culture, in opposition to the narratives whose symbolic violence against the structurally discriminated identities generate dynamics of suffering, exclusion and, potentially, direct violence. This normative component connects with the trajectory of the research team in the field of the revision of the hegemonic construction of vulnerabilities, and the re-signification of the life stories of victims and outraged citizenry before injustice. The methodology combines critical discourse analysis (CDA) with other applications of a critical cultural analysis of the performativity of the discourses developed by the team, which also uses the analysis for the discursive frameworks, of the narrative power, the feminist criticism and Peace Studies.

“DESPAZ-Social Development and Peace” research group is especially committed to the activities of the Institute of Social Development and Peace (IUDESP), the Master’s Degree in International Studies of Peace, Conflict and Development, the Doctoral Programme in International Peace, Conflict and Development Studies, and the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace. The team of this current project is composed by 9 interdisciplinary researchers.

Principal Investigator: Eloísa Nos Aldás, Professor at University Jaume I ( and coordinator of the research group “DESPAZ-Social Development and Peace (Philosophy, Communication, Education and Citizenship)”.

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